Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Finding the Gift that say "I love you"

Since the Valentine's day is coming, I thought it would be fun to search for gifts that say 'I love you'. So, here is the list of what I found.

I love you locket by CuteAbility

Je t'aime locket by Barberryandlace

I love you every day and twice on Sunday locket by Daisy Metal Creations

Mini love notes by Vicinity Studio 

Little surprise love notes by Kraze4paper

Find Gifts for Valentine's Day that can WOW you!

Valentine's Day is coming. Besides chocolate, roses and teddy bears, what else  can be  a  special gift  that can WOW the receiver.  I have stumbled upon a great gift for her.  These items caught my eyes because personally tile patterns are one of my obsessions. These are not what you think they are ... They are cookies. Most women love cookies.  Theses cookies are definitely have the WOW effect. They are so adorable!  It is so amazing how whipped bake shop made beautiful  prints of Delft tiles appear in the form of cookies.